Rajarshi Shahu College of Education, Tathawade, Pune NAAC Accredited B Grade

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Parents Meet

A parent-teacher Meet is a short meeting or conference between the parents and teachers of students to discuss a Student’s progress at College and find solutions to academic or behavioural problems.


Parent-teacher Meet supplement the information conveyed by focusing on students' specific strengths and weaknesses in individual subjects and generalizing the level of inter-curricular skills and competences.
The meetings are generally led by teachers who take a more active role in information sharing, with parents relegated mostly to the role of listeners.
This is a meeting between Parents and the teacher to talk about Student’s learning and progress. They might be called parent-teacher interviews, parent-teacher conferences or even learning conferences. It is important to approach each parent-teacher meet as an opportunity to refine your Student’s individual learning plan and to make sure the roles of teacher, student and parents are clear, specific and designed to bring out the best in Students.


1. To convey the Students’ Progress to the Parent Community
2. To Coney the Parental Contribution to the institutional Development
3. To Work as a buffer / connecting link between management and Parents
4. To Know the parental expectations from the college.

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